Almost Six Centuries ago, in a village called Tigrana near Bhiwani a divine daughter was born to Seth Kaluramjee. Her name was Chawalee and was called as Chavo with love & affection. She also had a Younger brother called Viramal (Veero).
Ku. Chawalee was married to the eldest son of Sri Sata Narayan Ji called Sri Surajmalji. They used to live in a town called Bagar, Near Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan, India.
One day on his visit Suramjmalji encountered some dacoits who were on their way to loot Bagar. They fought with the dacoits bravely and with lot of vigour till his last breath and finally defeated the dacoits. Then they headed back to Bagar injured and exhausted. The injuries were so deep that he could not survive & collapsed on his way back.
It is believed that Godess Parvati herself appeared and told this to Chavo who was in Tigarana then. Chavo left straight for Bagar and gave up her life along with her husband according to the Hindu rituals as blessed by Godess Parvati. Chavo’s younger brother Viramalji could not bear being separated from his sister and he too gave up his life. His horse too followed his master in this. Chavo with the blessings of Godess Parvati then appeared in her Chaturbhuj avatar and directed the family members to build a temple in her name and a chabutara for the horse. This way the majestic temple of Bagar was built and Puja Archanas were started which are carried out till date.
It is this Godess Chavo who is called `DADI’ with love and she continues to enlighten the clan and devotees and showers her blessings to one and all.
Jai Dadi Ji.